Fresh Start Foods
Our Vision

Our Mission:

Develop and support local communities that empower members to be healthier, more productive and participative

Our Vision:

Establish healthy, productive, participative communities that advance members’ goals and objectives


Ideas that influenced our decision to focus on community wellbeing.

The Premise: People make change happen.

We recognize that the social system currently does not serve the needs of many of its members. Indeed, that we as a society are falling behind in terms of quality of life -- food security, health and financial wellbeing -- and requires that people work together to power substantial change.

The only way to make change possible is for people

  • To acknowledge the need,
  • identify the necessary steps to make improvements,
  • commit to act on those learnings. and
  • engage with committed organizational and institutional partners to move forward on action plans

The Vision: Community Change by the Community for the Community

Member-driven community change focuses on three foundational areas of life: food, health and financial well-being.

Community members, organizations, and institutions – parents, student, school, and healthcare providers - join to define what it will take to make a new model community.

For example:

  • students commit to work harder and differently, to commit to public service, working within the local community as means of learning and making change;
  • parents commit to participation in ways not done before - keeping health records, learning new ways to manage family issues, and sharing work and ideas with other parents to make communities more responsive to identified needs;
  • local organizations commit to work productively with other groups and individuals.